
We discussed adding a tutorial to Tower Defence, to make it so that new players have an easier time trying to understand how the game works. This tutorial may appear as a popup the first time that you play tower defence.

Tower Clipping

Towers will be clicked into grids. This feature can be turned off after successfully playing 15 games (played all the way though).

Tower Upgrade Paths

Force Upgrade Option

You can forcefully upgrade a players tower for 1.25 times the regular cost of upgrading that tower, if they don't have a path unlocked.

Chosen When Placed

A player can choose the path when the tower is placed, rather than when upgrading.

Voting to Remove a Tower

If a tower recieves enough votes to be removed, the tower will be removed, even without the owers permissions.



Changing how Mobs work

The mobs need balancing because at the moment because some strategys are way more powerful than others.

Beta Mode